Crafty Ladies...
Have I got a deal for you! I was in Michael's Craft Store yesterday, and chuckled to myself as I watched this older woman digging through the bins of plastic bags marked $2.00 each. Was there really anything good in there? Soon my curiosity got the best of me and I started rummaging through as well... LOW AND BEHOLD- there was a big bag of ribbon! Yes I am extremely excited about this lol. Now if you're a regular Michael's shopper you will know that even one puny roll of ribbon usually costs about $2.00, and this was a HUGE bag for the same price! So needless to say I got 2 bags. One bag had 49 rolls of cloth ribbon in it, only 1% being Christmas related. FORTY NINE!!! And some were even LARGE 3 inch thick ribbon! ...And I haven't even opened the other bag yet- haha. Anyways, the store clerk informed me that they usually have these bags at the end of the season with stuff that didn't sell- I may go back tomorrow! This was such a good deal that I just had to share! :)
Coming soon...
I've tried to avoid "belly pictures" as long as possible, but due to constant requests from friends and family, I caved in and took a few. Belly pictures are great for some people...but for myself -ehhhhh I'm not really a fan. When you've spent the most part of your life trying to NOT look fat in can't always reverse the process.COMING SOON TO A FAMILY NEAR YOU!
Oh Deer me....
Ever since moving into our apartment, I couldn't help but notice that
every single day we have deer walking through our yard. They aren't as
skiddish as the ones I am used to, which was a little creepy in the
beginning because they will just stand there and stare at you (Like "a
deer in the headlights")no matter what you do... After a few months I
began to wonder if they'd be camera shy or since December I've
decided to capture 365 Days of Deer in My Back yard. Pretty self
explanatory. Like my Facebook in order to see a new picture every day!:)
Beginning Again
After much consideration, and much procrastination, I've decided to begin again with my blog in order to hopefully expand my photography business. Though I will probably share more personal insights than I feel comfortable doing- perhaps I can grow a following being more personal rather than promotingpromotingpromoting!
And since I've already cleared the air by admitting to it:
You can always check me out here- Facebook to see my latest work and constant updates! Heheh I hope I won't bore you to tears! .jpg)